вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.


I hate not knowing how many calories is in something. So I�overestimate.

Which lands me at 800 cals for today. Which feels like A�LOT although itapos;s not...

Before recovery I�ate 150 a day, and exercised. Hence now Iapos;m slowly getting back into it, and I�hate how I�have to wait to start losing this shitty weight rapidly.

I�have a weigh in tomorrow... Also planning to eat under 600 then, but only after Iapos;ve been to the clinic. Iapos;m kind of scared about drinking anything tomorrow... I�guess Iapos;ll just write down how much water Iapos;ve had.

I havenapos;t weighed myself for a week, Iapos;m so scared.

Itapos;s ten past four in the afternoon and Iapos;m going out at seven so wonapos;t be eating anymore today..

Hope yall good xxx

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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From talking with one of my coworkers who recently moved, I have a helpful hint for all you movers out there. Several services offered through WhiteFence allow you to choose when to disconnect your service at your old address as well as connect your service at your new address. When you are selecting the dates, make sure to overlap the dates for as long as you think it will take you to move all your possessions and clean your old place. If you turn off your utilities too early, you may not have electricity or water when it comes time to clean up.

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So my relatively new car, is sitting, not drivable, in the parking lot outside our condo. I got in to go to work this morning and it sounded like it wasnapos;tgetting power. And when I went to get on the freeway, it wouldnapos;t move... Just reved... I managed to get it home, and have been working from home all day.

I am pissed though, I now have to get it towed to a dealership, and repaired, and it will probably cost me money to do so. It should be under warranty but�I bought it used from Low Book and I donapos;t think the warranty transfers.

So more out of pocket cost�I get to incur.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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back from jalan raya with some of the w14capos;s people.
thanks for the very fun and bimbotic evening hadi, michelle, jush, seri, shah and fana lovelove you ppl (:
its been quite sometime we all hang out together and when we did, whoa powerpac fun
(big enuff seri? lol)
*EYEBROW FLOAT LEFT RIGHT. Heeheehee. Love those pics
pictures will be uploaded when i get them.
till then, loves


fel, pls study hard alright? and then we will go out soon after oapos;s loves (:
and have all the fun we want.

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Het binnenvaartschip dat maandagochtend zonk op de Oude Maas na een aanvaring met het schip van een dronken Russische kapitein, is zondag geborgen. Dat laat Rijkswaterstaat weten.

De berging werd een uur uitgesteld omdat het water in de rivier te snel stroomde. Het schip is tussen 09.30 en 10.00 uur opgetakeld. De politie inspecteert het wrak om het onderzoek naar het ongeval te voltooien. Daarna gaat het op een ponton naar een vestiging van Rijkswaterstaat in Dordrecht. "De schade is aanzienlijk. De verzekering moet nagaan of het schip total loss is of niet", zegt een woordvoerder.

De lading van het schip, achthonderd ton ijzererts, werd de afgelopen dagen al uit het schip getakeld. Het vaartuig zonk maandag rond 04.00 uur. De veroorzaker van het ongeluk bij Barendrecht is volgens de politie de kapitein van het Russische schip, die te diep in het glaasje had gekeken. Bij het ongeluk raakte niemand gewond. De opvarenden van het zinkende binnenvaartschip werden door de bemanning van de Russische boot aan boord genomen.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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So I missed a day in the fourth week of school because I teach seventh graders and theyrsquo;re full of germs I havenrsquo;t been acquainted with yet.� The sub misspelled vocabulary words and handed out the wrong worksheets.� She couldnrsquo;t keep my class under control and she got really upset, which got me really upset.� When I came back from my first absence, I had my kids write an anonymous warm-up explaining why their behavior was so bad on my sick day.� Turns out, the sub couldnrsquo;t keep the classroom straight and my kids went crazy and took advantage of it.� I told my kids that, regardless of the sub, they should be able to respect anyone and everyone in my classroom and act like adults.� I also guilt-tripped them by explaining how Rosh Hashannah was coming up, a very important holiday to me, and how I wasnrsquo;t going to take it off because I didnrsquo;t want their behavior to embarrass me yet again.

Two weeks later, exactly, I woke up with stomach pain, but I still went to school.� Getting prepared for class, my pain got worse and worse and just about every other person that I ran into asked me why I was so pale.� I asked the secretary to call me a sub, and she said of course.� Then I cancelled it.� Then I asked her again.� Then I cancelled again.� Then I asked her one last time, crawled to my car, and drove myself to the doctor.� Before I left, I was able to show the new sub, referred to from here on out as my hero, the lesson plans for the day and the seating charts.�

I drove myself to the doctor, all the while debating on whether or not I should turn around and go back.� The doctor told me I had appendicitis and sent me to the hospital, and I debated again on going back to school and saving the hospital for that night.� I called the hero and she was reassuring, and the class in the background was silently working.� The hero told me not to worry and that every thing would be ok.� We spoke a few more times that day about her taking over in case I needed surgery and she was so supportive and comforting.� Turned out I had a ruptured cyst, and when they told me I did not need surgery, I figured there was no reason why I couldnrsquo;t go back to school the next day.

I was so nervous to read those sub reports, but the hero had only nice things to say.� When my kids came in at the beginning of class, they sat right in their seats and asked me how I was feeling.� My kids helped me pass things out throughout the day and did not start going crazy whenever I needed to sit down and take a break to wait for the pain to leave.�

Hopefully I wonrsquo;t need a sub again anytime soon, but the hero helped me realize that itrsquo;s going to be ok this year if I need another sick day or if I want to celebrate my holidays.� Irsquo;m so grateful for that day and for the hero that took over.�

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I never really believed in re-incarnation and always felt that we had one chance to really live our life. But if I ever did come back in a another life. Iapos;d defintely have to agree with Woody Allen. ^_^

"Next Life"
By Woody Allen

In my next life I want to live my life backwards. You start out dead and get that out of the way.

Then you wake up in an old peopleapos;s home feeling better every day. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, and then when you start work, you get a gold watch and a party on your first day.

You work for 40 years until youapos;re young enough to enjoy your retirement. You party, drink alcohol, and are generally promiscuous, then you are ready for high school. You then go to primary school, you become a kid, you play. You have no responsibilities, you become a baby until you are born.

And then you spend your last 9 months floating in luxurious spa like conditions with central heating and room service on tap, larger quarters every day and then Voila You finish off as an orgasm

I rest my case.

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